How to Cook These 6 Oklahoma Spring Vegetables


Oklahoma has some amazing springtime vegetables that are both delicious and nutritious. They can also be prepared in various ways to add some delicious flavors to your plate. If you’re looking to find these vegetables in early spring, you might want to check out a list of Oklahoma farmers markets. Some of these markets even accept SNAP benefits, which is great news for those who are looking to eat healthy on a budget.


Broccoli Season in Oklahoma



Broccoli is a great source of fiber for healthy digestion. It provides a natural source of vitamins A and C, which is important for protecting the body from stress and supporting a strong immune system. 


Try broccoli raw, grilled, steamed, sauteed, or baked into meals. Our homemade Chicken Broccoli Shells & Cheese is a nutritious choice that meets all 5 MyPlate categories and is a dish your kids are sure to love. Minimize waste and maximize your food supply by using your broccoli stems in our Broccoli Salad recipe for the perfect crunch and flavor.


Asparagus Season in Oklahoma



Asparagus is a great source of fiber for supporting healthy digestion, vitamin K to assist in blood clotting and folate which helps our bodies make new cells. 


Asparagus can be enjoyed in many ways- raw, grilled, sautéed or roasted. It can be added to main courses or served as a side dish. Our preferred method of cooking asparagus is to sauté it, as we do in our Spicy Shrimp Linguine. This dish is packed with flavor, can be prepared in a single pot, and is ready to serve within just 30 minutes!

While most recipes call for cooking asparagus, it can also be enjoyed raw. Our Crunchy Walnut Asparagus Salad is the perfect no-cook recipe for summer!


Radish Season in Oklahoma



Radishes are a great source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for maintaining a healthy body. They are packed with vitamin C which supports a strong immune system and healthy skin. Radishes are also a good source of fiber that promotes a feeling of fullness for longer and promotes good gut health. 


Slice and serve radishes with dips or add them to your salads and coleslaws. Sauteed radishes can be a great addition to your stir-fry dishes, and roasted radishes can be a delicious side dish. If you want to try a fun and fresh twist on traditional coleslaw, try our Choose Homemade Apple Radish Coleslaw recipe. Finally, before you toss the green tops, add them into a pesto like our Garlic Radish Greens Pesto, pasta sauces, salads or smoothies for added flavor and nutrition. 


Carrot Season in Oklahoma



Carrots are a natural source of vitamins A, C and K and minerals such as calcium and potassium. These vitamins and minerals are important for eyesight, maintaining strong bones, and immune system.


Carrots are great as a snack, a side dish, or incorporated into any meal for added nutrition. Enjoy the crunchiness of raw carrots with dipping sauces like Homemade Ranch, or even baked into desserts like in our Carrot Cake Cookies. Shredded carrots cook quickly, making them easy to add last minute into soups without increasing cooking time, like we do in our Broccoli Cheddar Soup

The green leaves are packed with nutrients as well! Save them for smoothies, pestos, or even to add to a chimichurri sauce. Our favorite way to prepare carrots as a side dish is in our Honey Glazed Carrots recipe, a healthy homemade staple ready in just 15 minutes! You will never run out of ways to prepare this springtime vegetable.


Kale Season in Oklahoma



Kale is a nutritional powerhouse, loaded with vitamins A, C, K, folate, potassium and magnesium. These all play an important role in maintaining eye and skin health as well as a healthy pregnancy. 


When preparing fresh kale, begin by separating the leaves from the stalk, which is also known as the ribs, by either tearing or cutting. You can consume kale raw in salads, or cook it by sautéing or roasting it with other vegetables. Additionally, kale can be a great addition to soups and stews. Simply add it towards the last 5 minutes of cooking and let it wilt, similar to what you would do with spinach. 

This springtime vegetable has a slightly peppery flavor, making it a tasty addition to your plate! It pairs well with most dishes, especially those that are spicy, sweet, or acidic. Try it baked in our homemade Sweet Potato Turkey Bake, our favorite way to prepare kale for a hearty dinner recipe that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less! 

Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard Season in Oklahoma



Not only does this vegetable brighten up your plate, but it provides essential nutrients, like iron, magnesium, and vitamins A and K. You can saute the stems and leaves of swiss chard in a pan or finely chop to add to most dishes. This springtime vegetable has a slightly bitter taste when eaten raw so it pairs well with lemon or parmesan to balance out the flavor. 

Swiss chard becomes a more mild flavored, tender green when cooked and retains its color well. You can add it to homemade dishes like Turkey Breakfast Bake, a simple egg scramble, or added to ramen to add more nutrients to your plate! 


These vegetables are the freshest during springtime in Oklahoma and are a great option for adding flavors and nutrients to your meals. Keep an eye out for fun varieties of these spring veggies at your local farmers market and find SNAP-accepting farmers markets online at We hope you will enjoy using them in our Choose Homemade recipes!

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